Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More reaction to Austin City Consul

In a recent Texas Government blog post, Rahil voiced support for the Austin City Consul’s move to boycott Arizona in reaction to the recent immigration law passed there. I whole heartily disagree with this position. Arizona is a sovereign state and the citizens of Arizona have a right to pass any law they see fit to govern themselves. The law in question has not even been enacted yet. It is impossible to say what will or will not happen in the future. To say that preventing racial profiling is impossible is not a fair statement in my opinion. The citizens of Arizona know the problem they are dealing with and are taking action to remedy the problem. There may be a way to enforce this law without profiling or locking up anyone and everyone, I just don’t know. I don’t think it is fair for everyone else to judge before any action has taken place. I agree with Gov Perry’s position on the issue. I am against the law in its present form but I will not jump to judgment and will not condemn Arizona for trying to take care of their problems proactively.
Secondly, I don’t believe this falls into the purview of the city consul. The job of the city consul is to run the city of Austin. Not to try and send a purely political message to another state. The city of Austin has enough problems and should spend some time focusing on those problems. Maybe worrying about the “bike boulevard” or taking care of the homeless population. Instead the city consul would rather boycott another state which will only end up hurting Americans by cost the state jobs and revenue.
We should all take a deep breath, step back, and wait to see what the state actually does with this new law. Maybe it will be a big success and racial profiling will not be an issue. Maybe it will be a huge failure and be repealed. Either way, we should give Arizona the time and space to work it out before we jump in.

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